
Sequel to viral video on Korea's COVID-19 response released

"A letter from Wonderland," the sequel to the video "Korea, Wonderland?" showing how the country is overcoming the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), was released on April 17.

The Korean Culture and Information Service (KOCIS), an affiliate of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, released the new clip on its official Koreanet YouTube channel. The video begins with a letter to all the "K's," or people all over the world irrespective of race, nationality or gender combating the coronavirus.

The written narration introduces how Korea has responded to COVID-19 not just through its swift testing but also the country's developed health care system, freedom of the press and most of all, the strong solidarity of the people.

The clip emphasizes a sense of community in times of crisis and a message of overcoming the crisis together. It mentions unsung heroes who gave their own masks to others who needed them urgently, and highlights human dignity and solidarity despite a situation in which distrust can grow.

Earlier on March 17, the first video "Korea, Wonderland?" was released to shed light in detail on how Koreans banded together to overcome COVID-19 and the government's transparent and accurate response system. Running about four minutes long, the clip turned into a viral sensation with 3.69 million views as of April 17.

세계 곳곳에서 covid-19와 맞서 싸우고 있는 수많은 K에게 : Dear K, This is for all of you who are fighting COVID-19 all around the world.

이 글을 보는 당신이 Kuhn이든 Karl이든, Kevin이든 Kimura든 누구라도 상관없습니다 : Whether your name is Kuhn, Karl, Kevin or Kimura.

지금까지 우리가 COVID-19와의 싸움을 통해 얻은 몇 가지 유익한 경험을 듣기 원하는 동지들이라면 충분합니다 : We want to share our lessons that might help you better combat the virus.

신속한 검사에 대한 이야기는 이미 들어보셨겠죠? : You may have heard of our rapid and widespread testing.

하지만 단지 그것만으로 충분하지는 않습니다 : But testing alone is not enough.

검사 결과에 따라 적절한 해결책을 제공할 수 있는 발전된 보건시스템을 긴 안목으로 준비해야 합니다 : An advanced healthcare system that can provide proper services for those infected is equally as important.

모든 과정을 투명하게 공개하기 위해서 자유로운 언론환경을 유지하는 일도 잊지 말길 바랍니다 : Also, ensure freedom of the press so that the public can access transparent information about government response.

우리가 거둔 성과가 개인의 자유를 희생해서 얻은 대가라는 일부의 지적은 돌이켜 볼 만합니다 : We should bear in mind some of the criticism about how we stopped the spread at the expense of people's freedom.

다만, 우리 국민은 자유의 일부를 유보했고 국가는‘국민이 국가로부터 보호받을 권리’를 지켜내기 위해 최선을 다했다는 점을 꼭 기억해 주기를... But remember that the people put public safety before their personal freedom and the government did its best to keep the people safe from the virus.

국가적인 재난상황을 맞이했을 때 무엇보다 가장 중요한 건 희생을 나누려는 굳은 연대 정신입니다 : What we need most in the face of a national emergency is solidarity among people who sacrifice themselves for others.

1주일에 2개로 제한된 자신의 마스크를 더 급한 이웃을 위해 기꺼이 포기하는 사람들이 있기에 우리는 결국 승리할 것을 확신합니다 People donate their limited masks for those who need them more. As long as we see such sacrifice, we believe we can prevail over the virus.

물론 우리 역시 끝이 보이지 않는 싸움을 쉽지는 않겠지만 여전히 계속 해나가고 있습니다 : We are still fighting the virus with no end in sight.

세계 곳곳에서 우리의 숨은 영웅들이 하나 둘 모습을 드러내고 있고 : But more and more heroes are emerging from many parts of the world.

그 영웅들이 연대해 힘을 모으면 승리는 곧 모습을 드러내겠죠 : As the heroes are joining forces to stop the virus, we believe that victory will come to us soon.

하지만 꼭 기억할 것은 인간이 서로를 미워하고 불신하게 만든 이 현실에서 지역과 인종에 대한 편견과 무지는 결국 또 하나의 바이러스일 뿐... : But what we should remember is that in this time of crisis, when hatred and distrust can prevail, bias and ignorance against certain nationalities and races are just another virus.

우리는 인간에 대한 존중을 잊지 말아야 한다는 믿음입니다 : We should respect all humans equally.

이곳은 봄꽃이 한창 입니다 : Spring flowers are in full bloom here.

하루빨리 이 싸움에서 승리해 밝게 웃는 여러분에게 축하의 꽃다발을 전할 날을 간절히 기다리겠습니다 : We hope the day will come soon when we can celebrate our victory against the virus together.

"함께 극복" : "Overcome together"

'참 이상한 나라'에서 K : From K in "Wonderland"

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