
미국 주간지 '타임'이 월드스타 비를 이을 재목으로 지난 29일 인터넷판에 '빅뱅'을 소개했군요.
아래는 '타임'지가 Big Bang Theory이라는 제목으로 '빅뱅'을 소개한 내용입니다.

- "가장 유망한 그룹은 5인조 남성 힙합그룹 빅뱅"
- "댄스-팝 비트와 흐르듯 부드러운 랩 그리고 뛰어난 보컬의 하모니는 글로벌 R&B 흐름과 잘 매치된다"

라는 내용과 함께 일본에서의 인기도 거론하였네요.

아무쪼록 '원더걸스'에 이어 '빅뱅'도 이런 평가에 걸맞게 세계적인 그룹으로 성장해 주기를 바랍니다.

타임 인터넷판 캡쳐

The most promising of these is Big Bang, a domestically successful five-man hip-hop group formed through a Making the Band – style reality show in 2006. A Japanese-language mini-album (With U) enjoyed some success in 2008. Big Bang now hope their debut full-length Japanese-language release — having entered Japan's charts at No. 3 — will deliver the coup de grace. The good looks of the creators certainly won't harm the disc's chances. (See the Asia's best bands.)

A self-titled affair, Bigbang serves up fresh tracks and reworkings of the group's old Korean singles. The tasty production, dance-pop beats, fluid raps and great vocal harmonies comprise an expertly fashioned example of globalized R&B. Tracks like "My Heaven" (a collaboration with top Japanese DJ Daishi Dance) and "Love Club" have plenty of dance-floor appeal. As for swoon factor, well, their track "Let Me Hear Your Voice" has been selected as the theme for the new Tokyo Broadcasting System romantic comedy Ohitorisama. If your work is popping up on Friday-night prime-time drama, total domination can't be that far behind.

Posted by 불탄