
Hollywood's 10 Most Overpaid Stars

포브스가 18일 헐리우드 최고의 스타 10명을 선정했습니다.
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선정의 근거가 된 조건이 바로 몸값만큼 수익을 내지 못해 출연료를 주기가 아까운 스타의 순위였으니까요.

그럼 '출연료 아까운 할리우드 스타 10위'에 랭크된 배우들을 순서대로 보겠습니다.

참고로 포브스가 선정한 이 랭크는 최근 5년간 세 편 이상의 영화(개봉관 500개 이상)에 출연한 할리우드 배우 100명을 대상으로 출연료 대비 제작사 수입을 비교하여 출연료가 가장 아까운 배우 10명을 뽑은 것입니다.

1위 코미디언 윌 페렐

Ferrell is one of the few Saturday Night Live stars to achieve real movie fame, thanks to films like Elf and Talladega Nights. The success of those comedies bumped up Ferrell's paycheck, but recently that has hurt his return-on-investment number. This summer's Land of the Lost flopped, earning only $65 million on an estimated budget of $100 million. That pushed Ferrell to the top of our overpaid list.

For every $1 Ferrell was paid, his films earned an average $3.29.

'세미-프로'와 '랜드 오브 더 로스트' 등의 잇단 흥행 참패로 출연료 1달러 당 3.29달러를 벌어들였습니다.
'랜드 오브 더 로스트'에는 총 1억 달러의 제작비를 투입하였으나 전세계 흥행수입은 고작 6천500만 달러에 그치면서 유니버설 스튜디오 고위경영진의 해임에 결정적 역할을 했다고 하는군요.

2위 이완 맥그리거

Although he appeared as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the three new Star Wars films, McGregor is not the kind of actor who earns $15 million paychecks. Unfortunately, his low pay couldn't protect him from landing second on our list, because his recent movies have performed so badly.

For every $1 McGregor earned in a starring role his films brought in an average $3.75.

'트레인스포팅', '스타워즈' 등에서 이름을 날렸던 연기파 배우 이완 맥그리거도 최근 출연작들의 흥행 부진으로 3.75달러를 버는 데 그치면서 페렐의 뒤를 이었습니다.

3위 빌리 밥 손튼

Like McGregor, Thornton is one of the lower-paid actors on our list. He also suffers from a run of box office duds. His 2007 film Mr. Woodcock earned only $34 million; The Astronaut Farmer, from the same year, brought in just $11 million.

For every $1 Thornton was paid, his films earned an average $4.

4위 에디 머피

For a while, Murphy (the second SNL alum on our list) seemed like he could do no wrong in moderately budgeted family films. His updates of Dr. Doolittle and The Nutty Professor each earned $300 million and spawned successful sequels. But lately the Murphy magic seems to have dulled. His two most recent films, Meet Dave and Imagine That, were both box office bombs.

For every $1 Murphy was paid, his films earned an average $4.43.

5위 아이스 큐브

The hip-hop star has made a second career for himself as an actor in films like Are We There Yet? and Barbershop. Ice Cube earns a modest (by Hollywood standards) paycheck, but his recent films haven't performed very well. Last summer's The Longshots earned only $12 million.

For every $1 Ice Cube was paid, his films earned $4.77.

6위 톰 크루즈

For a long time, Cruise had one of the best deals in Hollywood: He earned almost nothing up front, but took a large chunk of the first-dollar gross. Good for Cruise, but not so good for the studios he worked with. Sometimes the star ended up making money while the studio was still in the red.

For every $1 Cruise was paid, his films earned and an average $7.18.

톰 크루즈는 제작사의 형편이 어려울 때에도 편당 수천만 달러를 출연료로 챙기는 바람에 7.18달러의 평균 투자 수익을 올리는데 그침으로써 6위에 올랐습니다.

7위 드류 베리모어

The only actress on our list, Barrymore has had more luck lately as a producer than as an actress. February's He's Just Not That Into You, which Barrymore produced, was a surprise hit earning $178 million. But the actress only had a supporting role in that film. The 2007 film Lucky You, in which Barrymore starred, earned a mere $8 million at the worldwide box office.

For every $1 Barrymore was paid, her films earned an average $7.43.

유일한 여성으로 랭크에 오른 드류 베리모어에 대해서는 배우보다 프로듀서로 일할 때 더 운이 따르는 것 같다고 평하고 있네요. 베리모어가 제작자로 참여, 지난 2월에 개봉한 '그는 당신에게 반하지 않았다'는 1억7천800만 달러를 벌어 들였으나 2007년 그가 주연한 '러키 유'는 800만 달러의 초라한 성적표를 냈기 때문입니다.

8위 레오나르도 디카프리오

The young actor earns big paychecks for playing in serious movies that don't always earn out. Last year's Revolutionary Road was a modest hit, earning $75 million on an estimated budget of $35 million. So was Body of Lies, which brought in $115 million on an estimated budget of $70 million. But modest hits aren't enough when your star is earning DiCaprio-sized paychecks.

For every $1 DiCaprio was paid, his movies earned an average $7.52.

레오나르도 디카프리오는 최근에 개봉한 '레볼루셔너리 로드'나 '바디 오브 라이즈'의 흥행성적은 나쁘지 않았으나, 그가 챙기는 출연료와 비교했을 때는 미흡한 수준입니다.

9위 사무엘 L. 잭슨

As a supporting player, Jackson shines. But the prolific actor (he's appeared in seven movies over the last two years) has trouble carrying a film in the lead role. Recent films like Soul Man and Lakeview Terrace failed to wow at the box office.

For every $1 Jackson was paid, his films earned an average $8.59.

10위 짐 캐리

The funnyman made a radical deal on his recent film Yes Man, which made him an investor in the movie and gave him a healthy return. His ROI number gets pulled down on this list because of films like The Number 23, which earned $77 million worldwide. When stars are earning as much as Carrey does, their movies have to hit it out of the ballpark.

For every $1 Carrey was paid, his films earned an average $8.62.


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